World-class science for a better future.

Ko te kōunga o te pūtaiao te auahatanga ki te ao anamata.

What We Do

Cawthron Institute is New Zealand’s largest independent science organisation. We deliver world-class science that helps to protect the environment and support the sustainable development of primary industries in New Zealand and worldwide.



Algae & Bioactives


Freshwater Health


eDNA Services


Cawthron Laboratories


Ocean Health


Seafood Safety


Investing in Science as a Solution

Science and innovation are key to helping humanity thrive. Partner with us by investing in science solutions that tackle the most pressing challenges of our time, including climate change, biodiversity loss and food security.

Cawthron-AQ-Environmental Monitoring and Consents-Dolphins swimming

Healthy Ecosystems

Science solutions that protect, restore and enhance ecosystem health.

Thriving Communities

Science solutions that support thriving people and communities through genuine partnership.

Prosperous Blue Economy

Science solutions that support blue economy growth in Aotearoa New Zealand and abroad, to the benefit of the environment and people.   

Who We Are