Anne Vignier (Rolton)
Shellfish and Algal Biology, Physiology and Health
Role at Cawthron
Anne Rolton Vignier is a cellular biologist specialised in the use of flow cytometry and histology to study the physiology and health of aquaculture species.
She leads the harmful algae research in the aquaculture group and is involved in numerous stress, health and disease related research projects across the Shellfish Aquaculture and Aquatic Animal Health research programmes.
Anne has over 10 years of research and production experience and has worked internationally in the private and public sector. She also supervises higher degree research students.
Evaluating the effects of environmental stressors on shellfish health, including harmful algal blooms, environmental contaminants, climate related stressors, parasite infections (e.g. Bonamia spp.) and viral infections (e.g. oyster herpes-virus (OsHV-1) and digestive epithelial virosis).
Developing and optimizing cellular assays to measure shellfish and algal health
Characterisation of shellfish tissues and algae
Technical skills, experience and interests
- Flow cytometry of shellfish, fish, and algae
- Histopathology and image analysis of marine bivalves
- Shellfish reproduction and early life history
- Ecotoxicology
- Aquatic pathobiology
- Cellular bioassays
- Microalgal production
- PhD (Marine Biology), Université de Bretagne Occidentale (Brest), France/ Florida Gulf Coast University, USA, 2015
- MSc (Aquatic Pathobiology), University of Stirling, Scotland, 2009
- BSc (Marine Biology), Newcastle University, UK, 2007