Jamie Ataria
Māori Business Development Consultant and Ecotoxicologist
Iwi affiliations
- Rongomaiwahine
- Ngāti Kahungunu
- Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Role at Cawthron
Jamie is an ecotoxicologist at Cawthron and is also a Māori liaison. Jamie’s role is to build internal capabilities to support sustainable Māori development and cultural aspirations through research. He also helps develop methodologies to characterise the biological effects and mechanisms of toxicity of contaminants and complex mixtures, both in the laboratory and in the field.
Technical skills, experience and interests
- Application of biomarker methods in native fish species for contaminants
- Embryotoxicity testing in fish embryos as an early life-stage exposure model
- The contribution of science to sustainable development
- PhD (Environmental Toxicology). Lincoln University, 2002
Professional affiliations
- Member of the Māori Advisory Committee to the Board of the Environmental Protection Agency
- Member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Member of the Royal Society of New Zealand