Jessica Schattschneider

Jessica Schattschneider

Data Scientist

Role at Cawthron

As part of the Coastal and Freshwater group, Jessica develops frameworks for bio-physical data storage and analysis. She is an oceanographer specialised in using data science tools, enabling a more multidisciplinary and applied way of doing science. Her main interests include the use of programming languages (R and Python) to automate common processes and improve the process of data analysis. Her research background includes a number of research projects aimed to monitor coastal environments and marine animal movements. She started working with data science at university, investigating spatial and temporal patterns on sea turtle dive behavior, using data from telemetry and remote sensing and tools as PostGIS, QGIS and R-Spatial.

At Cawthron, Jessica‘ main priorities are to help on the development of pipelines and databases to improve data integration and discovery.

Technical skills, experience and interests:

• Development of reproducible methodologies
• Use of open-source software
• Data wrangling
• Database management
• GIS analysis
• Python and R programming


• MSc in Coastal Oceanography, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC – Brazil), 2019
• BSc in Oceanography, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG – Brazil), 2016
• Technician in Geoprocessing, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul – Campus Rio Grande (IFRS – Brazil), 2010

Jessica Schattschneider