Joanna Copedo

Joanna Copedo

Aquatic Health Scientist

Role at Cawthron

Joanna is a passionate scientist in the Aquatic Animal Health Team at Cawthron. Currently, her research aims to identify the effects of the changing climate on reproductive biology and pathology in shellfish using physiological and histopathological techniques. Furthermore, her work covers a range of projects including surveillance for existing and emerging pathogens and parasites in shellfish, and environmental challenges across various life stages.

Joanna uses histopathology – a medical and veterinary pathology technique – to examine the health status and disease progression in aquatic invertebrates which is often complemented by molecular approaches. Joanna also connects expert and non-expert histopathologists to build a strong network for future generations. She founded, and currently leads the Oceania Aquatic Histopathology Network.

Technical skills, experience and interests

  • Aquatic histopathology
  • Use of traditional approaches to understand disease progression in aquatic invertebrates
  • Development of imaging techniques through histology
  • Invertebrate physiology and reproductive biology
  • Effects of climate change on aquatic life
  • Aquaculture, fisheries and wild ecosystem health


  • MSc, Marine Science (First class), University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2016
  • PGDipsci, Marine Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2014
  • BSc, Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 2013
Joanna Copedo