Romain Chaput
Role at Cawthron
Romain is an oceanographer within the Healthy Ocean group at Cawthron. His area of expertise covers dispersal of planktonic organisms, marine population connectivity and biophysical interactions. His research addresses practical and theoretical issues such as uncertainty quantification, propagation of biological tracers, impact of offshore activities, evaluation of marine protected areas connectivity, fishery/aquaculture management, and conservation of the marine environment. Romain collaborates with researchers in New Zealand, the USA, and Europe, to develop new experiments and techniques to study larval behaviours and biophysical models used to simulate the dispersal of particles in the oceans.
Technical skills, experience and interests
Modelling of population connectivity and harmful algal bloom dynamics
Fisheries oceanography
Ichthyology and larval behaviours during dispersal
Ecosystem and physical dynamics in coastal and open ocean systems
Development of decision support tools and risk analyses
Site selection and impact assessment of offshore wind farms
PhD Ocean Science, RSMAES, University of Miami, USA, 2020
MSc, Oceanography and Marine Environment, University Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne, France, 2015
BSc, Environmental Biology, University Paul Sabatier, France, 2013